- News Releases
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada… The Auditor General’s December 2023 Report highlights the importance of effective processes, controls, and reporting to ensure the success of government programs and services for the benefit of all Albertans.
The report includes the results of the audit of the 2022-2023 Consolidated Financial Statements of the Province of Alberta along with the results of three new performance audits, six assessment of implementation reports, and a Summary of the 2022 Financial Audit Results of School Jurisdictions in Alberta. Also included is a summary of recommendations that the Auditor General has made to government over the years, along with the potential consequences of not taking action.
“I am pleased to report to Albertans that we have issued a clean audit opinion on the Province’s Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2023,” said Auditor General Doug Wylie. “Albertans can be confident that the financial statements of the province are free of material misstatements and are presented fairly in accordance with public sector accounting standards.”
“Our work provides Albertans with assurance that the government programs, processes, and services we audited are working as intended,” said Wylie. “The December 2023 Report includes seven new recommendations to government and highlights the implementation of 13 previous recommendations. Our findings and recommendations help improve performance and promote accountability within government.”
The Report of the Auditor General—December 2023 was presented to Members of the Legislative Assembly earlier today and is available online at oag.ab.ca.
NOTE: Please see the Backgrounder for additional information on the work contained in the Report of the Auditor General—December 2023.
Appointed under Alberta’s Auditor General Act, the Auditor General is the legislated auditor of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Province of Alberta and most provincial agencies, boards, commissions, and regulated funds. The work of the office improves performance and promotes accountability within government by making recommendations that can result in better outcomes, better services, and better programs for Albertans.
For more information, please contact:
Cheryl Schneider
Executive Director, Engagement and Communications
Mobile: 780.399.0554 | Email: cschneider@oag.ab.ca
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