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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada… A new report issued by the Auditor General of Alberta found Alberta Indigenous Relations and Alberta Labour and Immigration should improve performance reporting processes to support economic self-reliance and improve economic participation for Indigenous Peoples in the province.
In 2000, the Government of Alberta set a goal to support Aboriginal People and governments in achieving self-reliance and enhanced well-being which has continued as a desired outcome of the government each year since. To supplement federal programs that facilitate economic participation, the government has delivered both business development and workforce development programs designed to support increased Indigenous participation.
In his Report of the Auditor General—Indigenous Economic Participation, Auditor General Doug Wylie identified that while both departments have processes to assess and report on the findings of their programs, not all processes are effective and improvements can be made.
“The departments have processes in place but lack the details of why results were achieved, lessons learned and how programs could be improved in the future,” said Wylie. “Without implementing the results found during their program reviews and evaluation, there’s a missed opportunity to improve programs and further benefit Indigenous Peoples in Alberta.”
Some consistent key findings in both department’s include:
- Measures and targets were not identified for all programs or existing measures were not always assessed for continued appropriateness.
- Formal processes were not in place to monitor programs and perform detailed results analysis of needs, planned results and effective placement of funds.
- Internal and external reporting informed program outputs but lacked details of why those results were achieved, the lessons learned and how that will impact future program planning.
- One-time detailed program evaluations were completed but resulting recommendations have not been implemented.
The Auditor General makes one recommendation to each department to improve their performance reporting process. Implementing and updating performance measures and targets, analyzing program performance and reporting its analysis of program results and achievement of the ministry desired outcome will help support increased Indigenous economic participation in the Alberta.
In addition to the Indigenous Economic Participation Report, the Auditor General also produced a summary of its discussions with First Nations and Métis community leaders and entrepreneurs on their insights into Indigenous economic success—First Nations and Métis Leaders’ Insights.
“The insights from community leaders and entrepreneurs from across the province helped develop the background required to perform an informed audit of programs delivered by the departments of Indigenous Relations and Labour and Immigration in our Indigenous Economic Participation report,” said Wylie. “By understanding what factors have led to the success of many First Nations and Métis communities and businesses, we will be better able to assess the objective and impact of these and other government programs.”
The report was tabled in the Alberta Legislature on May 25, 2022.
Appointed under Alberta’s Auditor General Act, the Auditor General is the legislated auditor of every provincial ministry, department, and most provincial agencies, boards, commissions, and regulated funds. The audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General report on how government is managing its responsibilities and the province’s resources. Through our audit reports, we provide independent assurance to the 87 Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, and the people of Alberta, that public money is spent properly and provides value.
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For more information, please contact:
Cheryl Schneider, Executive Director, Stakeholder Engagement
Telephone: 780.422.8375 | Mobile: 780.399.0554 | Email: cschneider@oag.ab.ca
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