- News Release
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada … Alberta’s Auditor General Doug Wylie said he has received numerous inquiries from Albertans and Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) on the COVID-19 pandemic crisis, and confirmed he will examine and report on the Government of Alberta’s response.
“Like other Auditors General across the country, we are paying close attention to the government’s response to the pandemic crisis,” Wylie said. “As it involves a significant investment by the Government of Alberta, and has had a significant impact on the lives of all Albertans, it is something we will examine.”
Wylie stressed any examinations by his office would focus on public accountability for what was spent and program outcomes, value for investments made, and on lessons learned by government for responding to similar crises in future.
While it is too early to determine what specifically his office may examine in detail, Wylie said there are some trends that are emerging as areas of highest risk and importance, including programs and services that impact vulnerable citizens, and investments and activities designed to leverage economic recovery.
Actions currently underway to help identify areas the Office of the Auditor General may examine include:
- Tracking all programs and initiatives related to the COVID-19 response
Reviewing current outstanding recommendations by the Auditor General to government for relevant or related issues, such as seniors care
- Analyzing all COVID-related inquiries to the Auditor General from the public, stakeholders, media and MLAs
- Discussing common themes and approaches to COVID-related audits with the federal and other provincial Auditors General, and monitoring the responses of Auditors General in other countries
Initial findings and observations will be reported to the Legislative Assembly in fall 2020. Any additional, or more detailed audit work, will be conducted and reported on at the appropriate time.
Appointed under Alberta’s Auditor General Act, the Auditor General is the legislated auditor of every provincial ministry, department, and most provincial agencies, boards, commissions, and regulated funds. The audits conducted by the Office of the Auditor General report on how government is managing both its responsibilities and the province’s resources.
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For more information, please contact:
Val Mellesmoen Executive Director, Stakeholder Engagement Telephone: 780.644.4806 | Mobile: 780.909.5841 Email: vmellesmoen@oag.ab.ca
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