Connect Care is a clinical information system that will touch nearly every aspect of the care for Albertans at Alberta Health Services (AHS) hospitals, clinics, and the labs and other partners that support them.
Objective and Scope
Our objective was to determine whether AHS designed key controls to implement Wave One of the Connect Care program and has a plan to sustain Wave One after implementation. We did not audit the operational effectiveness of the designed controls or plans.
We conclude that AHS has adequate processes and controls to inform their decision for the launch of Wave One of Connect Care, and plans to sustain it after launch. We found AHS has:
- processes to define and evaluate program readiness
- regular monitoring and reporting processes to program leadership, executive sponsors and oversight functions
- processes to ensure clinical and operational users were ready for launch
- a plan to sustain Connect Care after launch
- processes to monitor vendor commitments to ensure vendor support is present at launch