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Objective and Scope 

Our audit objective was to assess whether the department has effective processes to manage users and provide secure access through Accounts* to online government programs and services.

We audited processes from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 when the department performed online identity verification and account management and monitoring for Accounts and provided secure protocols to transmit information to relying parties. It did not include the Government of Alberta services or programs using Account services account, nor the investigation or mitigation measures performed by cybersecurity branch.

* Accounts (formerly My Alberta Digital ID) and for the scope of this audit includes Account for Organization (formerly MyAlberta Digital ID for Business).


We conclude, based on our audit criteria, that the department has processes to manage users and provide secure access through the service to programs, but not all these processes were effective, and the department can improve them.

We made four recommendations to the department.