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Our audit focused on the responsibilities of the Climate Change Office (CCO) within the Department of Environment and Parks. We interviewed the responsible officials at the CCO and other ministries implementing the CLP programs, reviewed and analyzed documents, and examined the CCO’s systems and processes.

We recommend that the Department of Environment and Parks:

  • develop and use comprehensive implementation plans for the Climate Leadership Plan and for each of its programs
  • implement efficient processes to sufficiently reduce the risk that the data used to monitor and report on progress is not accurate or complete
  • provide clear and complete reporting on the expected and actual costs of programs and the CLP overall

See our previous audits on climate change:

Auditor General, Merwan Saher FCPA, FCA discusses the Office of the Auditor General of Alberta’s audit of the Design of Systems to Manage the Climate Leadership Plan and Adaptation.
Assistant Auditor General, Eric Leonty CPA, CA discusses the Office of the Auditor General of Alberta’s audit of the Design of Systems to Manage the Climate Leadership Plan and Adaptation.