In June 2020, the government released the Alberta Recovery Plan (the Plan)—a long-term strategy to build, diversify, and create jobs. One component of the Plan was the COVID-19 Capital Stimulus Initiative.
The objective of our audit was to conclude whether the Department of Treasury Board and Finance had effective systems to design, deliver, monitor and report on the COVID-19 Capital Stimulus Initiative.
Based on our audit criteria, we conclude the Department of Treasury Board and Finance has effective processes to design, deliver and monitor the COVID-19 Capital Stimulus Initiative. Improvements can be made to the department’s reporting process by including an analysis of whether the desired results of its COVID-19 Capital Stimulus Initiative were achieved in the department’s annual reporting.
The department’s reporting focused on project spending and construction status. However, there was no reporting on the number of jobs created by the initiative. We are not making a new recommendation to the department on the reporting as there are outstanding recommendations we have previously reported on the need to improve performance reporting to Albertans in ministry annual reports.