As the department has eliminated targeted Class Size Initiative funding, our 2018 recommendation is no longer applicable.
In 2018, we audited the design and operating effectiveness of Department of Education processes to define the desired results of the Class Size Initiative, to develop an action plan to achieve those results and to measure, monitor and report on the initiative. We found the department did not have effective processes as the department:
We recommended that if the department decided to continue the Class Size Initiative, it develop an action plan and improve processes to regularly monitor and report on the initiative.
On October 15, 2019, Alberta Education released its 2019 Class Size Initiative Review report. The department reported that targeted grant funding to reduce school class sizes – especially from kindergarten to Grade 3 – did not deliver desired results. The department concluded that “Alberta’s Class Size Initiative does not appear to be effective, and the class size grant’s targeted funding may be better put to use to support other priorities to improve student learning”.