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Systems audits

  • Advanced Education and Technology
    • Post-Secondary Institutions – non-credit programs
      • Appendix A – Post-Secondary Institutions – non-credit programs recommendations
    • Monitoring vocational programs and degrees offered by private institutions
    • Northern Alberta Institute of Technology – construction-management processes
  • Energy
    • Department of Energy’s system for identifying and managing conflicts of interest
  • Health and Wellness
    • Implementing the Provincial Mental Health Plan
      • Appendix A – summary of findings on the Provincial Mental Health Plan’s implementation priorities
  • Health and Wellness/Seniors and Community Supports
    • Seniors Care and Programs
    • Appendix A – RHA visits
    • Appendix B – management actions on remaining 2005 recommendations
  • Infrastructure and Transportation
    • Identifying and managing conflicts of interest for contracted IT professionals
  • Municipal Affairs and Housing
    • Monarch Place
  • Service Alberta (Cross-Ministry)
    • IT control framework

Financial statement and other assurance audits

  • Advanced Education and Technology
    • College and technical institute computer controls
      • Appendix A – Post-secondary institution recommendations
      • Appendix B – College and technical institute computer controls audit criteria
  • Education