The purpose of the Annual Report of the Auditor General is to report on the scope and findings of the work carried out by the Office of the Auditor General.
Objective and Scope
The scope and extent of audit work completed for 1998-99 and recommended improvements for the specific financial and management control systems examined by my office are described in section 2 of this report.
A new chapter, “Cross-Government”, is presented in Section 2 this year. The title recognizes that much of our work and many of our recommendations relate to the government as a whole, and it is appropriate for the Report to speak to those who are responsible for Cross-government activities.
This report contains 83 recommendations. The government has done a commendable job in implementing the Government Accountability Act. The number of my recommendations should not be construed as an indictment of performance; rather, the number is evidence that “the devil is in the detail”.