In 2008 we audited the former Department of Employment and Immigration’s systems for delivering training to Albertans who need to improve their employment skills. We made three recommendations. In 2012 we reported the department had implemented two of three recommendations. In the current year we conducted follow-up work to assess the department’s progress in implementing the final outstanding recommendation regarding implementing policies, procedures and outcome reports for monitoring training provider compliance.
The department provides funding that allows eligible learners to upgrade their employment skills or prepare for further training. The department’s delivery model allows learners to select a training provider. If the program is approved and the learner is eligible, the department pays tuition directly to the training provider.
The department pays for training through four main types of providers—private vocational schools, accredited schools, private providers and public post-secondary institutions.
The Department of Human Services has a process to follow up with training providers to review monitoring results and develop action plans to deal with non-compliance matters. However, we found the processes for follow-up on non-compliance were inconsistently applied and enforced. The department’s processes were not clear in the steps that need to be followed in non-compliance matters. In 2012 we found the department had made progress in implementing this recommendation.
We found that the department has fully implemented our final recommendation. Systems for monitoring training providers have been improved by implementing a detailed monitoring, auditing and remedial action policy that requires the department to perform regular audits of training providers and perform follow-up procedures on post-audit action plans. Reports have been developed to monitor whether training providers are meeting performance outcomes and expectations.